Apply earned credit before planned credit to grad requirements
We are having issues with the configuration of the grad requirements module. Skyward is not considering earned credit before planned credit. Problem>
We have a student with 4 courses that meet a graduation requirement.
2 are earned credit and 2 are planned credit. When we change from the default to the school year configuration, in both cases, 1 earned and 1 planned credit are applied instead of 2 earned. Both configurations list earned credit as the 5th criteria considered out of 8 criteria. Any counselor in our district would tell you that earned credit will always trump planned credit when meeting a graduation requirement. In talking to Skyward, their conversations with other districts had different considerations.
Solution: Make the grad requirements configuration completely customizable. Allow the district to order the items this module will look at from most important to least important. Our district would rank earned credit first priority. Other districts who wanted to look at school year or other items could choose that order. We'd all be happy and Skyward would be working the way we each need it to work. You could scrap the Delete Unearned Planned Curriculums utility that was built to address this - it was a workaround because the configuration is not working in the first place.