Seamless Transfer of Grades within Entity When Student Transfers Sections/Classes
The current 5 options process to transfer grades to a new class/section is tedious at best. Teachers do not have the time to individually select each assignment for kids when they transfer to them. When a student transfers within the same entity these grades should automatically move over or calculate with the combined grades of the new class.

Cheryl Burt commented
Does anyone know if Skyward has looking into this AT ALL in order to improve this process. It is especially critical when a student moves from regular level to Honors Option or AP Level of the same class. It will have a different course number to identify the Honors part of it but you should still be able to pull in the scores automatically if the assignments are all the same in the Honors gradebook. Huge issue in our district. So much work for the teachers.
Melissa DeVries commented
I was just going to post this same thing. I am in the gradebook helping a teacher and you have to go down the list and click grade and transfer for every single assignment one by one! Pre--pandemic, this may not have been as big of an issue, but now, students are changing sections constantly throughout the semester!!!
Becky Ruesch commented
YES! this would be great!
Cheryl Burt commented
I accidentally hit the 'flag idea as inappropriate' when that is the LAST THING I WANTED TO DO!!! This is SUCH an important need. I deal with this all the time from our teachers. It's one of the main reasons they dislike Skyward gradebook. I could add to this......when students move into an Honors Option class. The course number is slightly different. The gradebook treats it like they have gone from Math to Basketweaving when these students are basically sitting in the same classroom, doing much of the same work. It would be nice if either the gradebook could allow the two to be combined somehow or at least seamlessly transfer information.