SKylert Export
We would like to use "Other ID" instead of the "Internal ID" for the Skylert export file - this would make notification much easier through School Messenger. Most student browse screens have the Other ID included which may be exported to Excel to create the .csv list that can ultimately be used for notifications in School Messenger. We have also had student internal IDs match staff employee IDs which cause staff to get phone calls for students.

Angelique Schoen commented
I send up an additional file to School Messenger with the students internal ID, other ID and state ID. The file updates the students and all the IDS are tied to the student then.
Larry King commented
School Messenger ultimately receives all data (student and family) from Skyward anyway so we would just like the option of determining the ID that gets exported. Doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to change and it would make things much easier for campus staff.
Lora Holman commented
My understanding is that School Messenger uses the internal ID to pull from the Skylert settings area of Family Access. I believe School Messenger would also need to switch to using the Other ID and that might not actually connect correctly to Family Access. But if this would work then OtherID would be nice.
Larry King commented
Does anybody else have issues with this?