allow term adjustments to be calculated into final
We often use grade adjustments within term grade posting based on attendance and other expectations. It is rare that our teachers use the weighted grade option as that is very difficult to have a balance of equal points between grading terms. As I understand that is the only option to have the grade adjustments be calculated into the FG. (By the way we have semester/term grading). If a teacher makes (ex) a grade increase because a student was close to an A- that positivity should be then reflected in the students final grade. That is not currently the case. A student doesn't get the benefit (or the penalty) of an adjusted grade calculated into their Final Grade which is what drives GPA. We would like any grade adjustments to actually make an impact on the student's final grade. At this point they are meaningless or it will force all of our teacher's to individually search out any Term 1 grade adjustments and readjust the final grade as well as any Term 2 adjustments at the time final grades are posted.
The attachment highlights a view of the FG not being reflective of the grade adjustment.
We would like to see grade adjustments within any term be a natural reflection on the final grade at posting time. CS Notes: Site is using cumulative to calculate the final grade. They would like the system to automatically move the term adjustment to the final grade adjustment. They would like to also add an option in configuration to turn off the automatic movement of the adjustment if sites do not want this to happen.