Sticky Notes
It would be extremely beneficial (almost critical at times) to have a "sticky note" option in Students - Students Profile. Have an icon that resembles a notepad / sticky note pad that would allow you to create a personal individualized "note" on a selected students profile. The note would be only for you to see and is not part of the student record. The note would only be linked to one student. The note instantly opens every time you enter that students profile, until you decide to delete it. You can also add or delete the text in the open note as needed. No other users can visualize this note. The note can be moved to a location that is easy for you to find in the profile, but sticks out immediately, you should not have to click on anything to be able to view the note, it instantly opens once you enter that students profile. You could also include a "shared/team note" which would be the same thing but viewable to other staff members with access that could also view the note, edit the note, etc.. Examples of information that I personally would add to a sticky note: Bus Rider, Pick Up Student, Pick up #, Moms Days M,W,F & Dads Days T,TH , Parents are on vacation until X call grandma first, Loves sports, Dislikes apples, Case Manager is X.... etc...
Jennifer Brazzell commented
This is a great idea!
Jennifer Brazzell commented
PLEASE add this option to Student Profile!