TSAI2 Scores - Seamless integration
I would like to propose an idea that I believe will significantly benefit Texas School districts and streamline the assessment upload process within Skyward Student Information System (SIS).
The inclusion of TSAI2 scores in our SIS is crucial for assessing student progress and ensuring their readiness for College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR). However, I understand that certain assessments may not be considered mandatory by the state, which has led to Skyward in not making or helping districts with integrating TSAI2 scores into the SIS an easy process.
To address this issue, I propose that Skyward explore the possibility of enhancing its platform to accommodate the integration of TSAI2 scores seamlessly. (API connection with Accuplacer College Board) By incorporating this feature into Skyward SIS, we can provide educators with a comprehensive toolset to track student performance effectively and identify areas for improvement.
Moreover, integrating TSAI2 scores into Skyward SIS aligns with our district's goals of promoting student success and maximizing funding opportunities based on CCMR metrics. By providing educators with access to this valuable data within Skyward, we can empower them to make informed decisions and support the academic growth of every student.
I believe that by embracing this proposal, Skyward can demonstrate its commitment to meeting the evolving needs of educational institutions and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.