Athletic Participation follow student from Middle to High School
Currently, Activities are Entity specific so they only follow the student in each specific Entity. There is not currently a way to get the Activities to follow the student from Entity to Entity.
So if you have middle school students participating in high school athletics, it shows in their middle school. However, once they move into the high school, that information does not follow so the high school doesn't have the record of their participation and years participating in the student's records. A student should get the credit they deserve for participating X number of years in a sport starting from the middle school level. I'm not talking about middle school to middle school sports, I'm talking students in middle school that are participating in a high school sport at the high schools. It is extremely cumbersome to all to try to keep this area up-to-date when incoming 9th graders move into the high school entities. We'd like to see it transfer with their record.