Return the option to DISPLAY BY GRADING PERIOD in Course Length area
DISPLAY FEATURE THAT WORKED GREAT WAS REMOVED. Option to "Display By Grading Period" was removed and now Course Lengths can only be seen by Control Set. We have over 25 Control Sets for our large summer school program, viewing by Control Set is cumbersome to say the least. My Control Sets now span 3 1/2 pages, versus a view by Grading Period, that listed, and gave me add/edit capabilities, all in a nice condensed list. Here is the last bit from the ticket I submitted.
"At this time, there is no way to flip the display on the Course Lengths/Control Sets screen back to the previous view. I apologize, as I understand that this would be frustrating when trying to manage and verify the settings for 25+ control sets at a time. I think the main advantages to the current view, aside from the fact that there was an update in the record validation process, are that it's now easier to differentiate between a normal control set vs a subset and that you can now see both the grading and scheduling terms at a glance without needing to edit the records.
While it would take an extra step, you might consider using the Course Length/Class Control report in WS\OF\GR\RE\GC\CL. With that you're able to see more records at a time, even though it's still laid out in a similar fashion. (But not option to add/edit in a report.)
If you'd like the ability to flip that display back to the previous layout, I'd recommend submitting an idea. That's going to be the best way to get that request on the radar of the folks that control which/when updates get completed."