Other Name incorporation into API
We have a situation where we need to include "preferred name" and include into Skyward and all the programs that get their data from Skyward. Particularly this is an issue with Schoology. Could you please have the API configured to grab the preferred name and have it appear as the preferred name everywhere in Skyward and transfer into Schoology.
I've been told from Skyward the following...
Currently the API (LMS or OneRoster) does not have a data Endpoint for the student's Other Name. I do know that it is on programming's radar, however there hurdles to overcome yet.
With the increase in transgender students wishing to use their preferred name this is becoming a big issue especially since so many systems get their data from Skyward and is bound to cause sync issues.
Kathy Neumann commented
I feel this one and the Preferred Name are one and the same.
Deeann Witek commented
We would also like to add more options for student gender mapping for data exporting to include: male, female, genderqueer, gender non-conforming, two spirit, nonbinary, gender fluid, transgender, and prefer not to say. Is there any plans to include this as well?