Address Direction - Option to print after street address
The local post office has asked that we move the direction field from before the street address to after the street address. Example: 625 NW Birch St should be 625 Birch St NW. Changing every street name in our address master would take a lot of work, but allowing us to print the direction after the street address would solve the problem. We have had a lot of mail returned because of this, requiring us to hand write the address and resend.
Michelle Falkinham commented
You could use the "Mass Address Change" utility to change your address to the proper format. Instead of using the direction box, you would just add NW to the end of the street name box.
Christine Neset commented
Would also like to turn off the directional field altogether!
Sheila Nelson commented
I am in agreement, this does need to change and it causes delays in important mail to families and also costs our district extra funding to resend the mail multiple times.
Jamie Berg commented
I 100 % agree that this needs to be changed because it is rather confusing when we aren't used to seeing addresses appear this way. We don't address anything with this format so it really makes sense to keep the address format the same way the United States Postal Service has it and keeps formatting consistent.
Heidi Fosse commented
We also have had mail returned due to direction abbreviation location. Here in Minnesota the directions come after the street name usually instead of before it.