Texas - CCMR module/tab needed
Texas has added CCMR (College/Career/Military Readiness) as a criteria for our state accountability ratings. We need a CCMR module as well as a tab on the student profile that shows where each student is in meeting the state standard. Counselors use this information to help make better decisions about whether students can have off periods, whether to route them to special classes for College Prep Math or Reading, etc. The components used for CCMR all exist in Skyward - course history, PEIMS coding for industry certifications, military enlistment, and grad plan type, and test scores for ACT, SAT, AP, and more. However, nothing is currently being provided to allow us to see this information for a student using the TEA criteria for this standard and as a result, we are all having to create workarounds or use multiple systems or spreadsheets to see this information.
We need this addressed and we need it addressed quickly. This is one of the most useful summaries I have seen of how CCMR is determined but the full details are in the TEA Accountability Manual.

Mary Mitchem commented
CTE courses aligned with IBCs - 2019 Accountability Listing:
https://www.esc17.net/upload/page/0104/docs/2019%20%20Updated%20CTE%20IBC%20Aligned%20Courses.pdf -
Mary Mitchem commented
Data sources from Appendix H of the Accountability Manual: https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/Appendix%20H%20Data%20Sources_final_acc.pdf