Renaming Standards Report Cards posted to Family Access
When publishing a standards report card to the Portfolio tab it would be helpful to be able to rename it. We can rename the file when posting the Custom District Report Card (Office>grading>Report Cards>reports>Custom District Report Cards-CD), but not when posting a basic report card (Office>grading>report cards>reports>basic report card - BR). This customization makes it very helpful for parents to quickly see what term/year the report card is for when they view the portfolio in Skyward Family Access. Example: we rename our custom district cards (used for our middle and high school entities): "2018-2019 Term 1 Report Card." However the Basic Report Card (which is used by our elementary school entities) doesn't allow this feature and defaults the file name to what it is and the date it was posted: "Standards Report Card (10/26/18)."