Medication Inventory crosswalk for milligrams/tablets
Currently the medication inventory is set up to match the record's unit. For instance if you enter the medication as 200 mg you will have to count your medications in mg. With a 30 day supply there is likely to be a very large number for the inventory. When the nurse counts her inventory every week they will have to count the tablets and then multiply that by the number of mg each tablet has. Conversely if the nurse enters the medication in tablets the count is very easy. The draw back is that if the strength of the medication changes but still on tablet is given there is no way to track the right dose and compare it with the number of tablets. We realize that there will have to be some way to let the system know that for example one tablet equals 200mg in order for the medication administration record subtracts the correct amount from the inventory.
Best practice would be to make the entry in mg and then count in tablets. This would help parents with the family access notification as they are likely to ask the system to notify them when they have 2-4 tablets left not 400-800mg.