Because there are a variety of areas in which to attach it would be extremely beneficial to have ALL attachments populate under the attachment tab regardless of what category/area they were attached under. if we can get the ability to attach things in a more specific manner that would greatly enhance the ability to appropriately document/scan/file things (and subsequently find them again quickly when needed). For example: the ability to attach to a specific injury or the ability to attach to the vaccine entry area (for maintaining Conscientious Objector forms) and the ability to attach a referral response in hearing/vision/scoliosis.
Tacey Doine commented
As Mary Beth asked for this to have ALL attachments populate under the attachment tab, here is another idea for where this would pull from. In SE under the path WS\SS\SE\TB\EI\EI there is a checkbox for Display in Family /Teacher Access but this would be helpful to automatically display in Student Management Attachments or have a checkbox for that also. This would then display in WS\ST\TB\PO\AT instead of having to manually be entered in both areas.
Lorri Rennie commented
With the ability to do this by mass uploading health attachments for students.