Online Conferences
It would be very helpful to have the ability for the parent/guardian to request an interpreter in online conference scheduling. Something we can pull in either data mining or (preferably) an indicator in conference reports. Without this we are using a lot of man hours compiling this information.
A box for parent/guardian to check stating they require an interpreter for parent/teacher conferences. When selected this would show up as an indicator on conference reports.

Thank you for the suggestion! We will be reviewing this request in more depth, including the input from the development team.
Lori Rankin commented
The option to allow guardians to indicate they will need a translator/interpreter present during the conference will benefit the majority of Skyward Districts. This indicator should also print on conference reports so they are easily identified and can be scheduled.
Angelique Schoen commented
The comment shows from 2019, is this still being researched? It would be very helpful to have this option added to conferences when parents are selecting their times.