Medical Grade Override Hassle
We have noticed that when the Medical override is used for a quarter that the FINAL calculation does not take the override into consideration for final average.
If there are 30 assignments before a Medical is given then the teacher needs to go through and set all 30 assignments to NO COUNT.
It would seem that applying a Medical override should do just that...Override. Override the assignments so they do not count for or against the student who now is receiving a grade override.
Either offer a utility that allows teachers to mark all assignments in term as no count for a specific student or set it to mark them as No Count when the Medical override is selected. There are two options for the gradebook calculation but it seems that in this case if there is a non-numeric grade for the term that it should not count. So if a student were to have 3 graded quarter and a medical for one the system should only count the three grades and not the average of assignments in the term.