Provide Skylert portal for staff and students
We have staff members wishing to update their contact information in Skylert but are unable to do so. There should be a way for staff members to have access to a Skylert tab similar to what guardians are able to do now and be able to update their phone numbers and alerting categories all in one place.
Students should also have this features. With the mass increase in student cell phone and the increased need to provide rapid communication to everyone we would like to be able to contact students via Skylert so we would like the students to be able to update their phone numbers and alert settings as well.
The result of not providing this enhancement will be that staff and students may not be informed in a timely manor of a crisis or a school closing which could potentially result in dangerous situations.
Providing these expanded services to students and staff will make it easier for the district to provide appropriate communication and ensure everyone is notified appropriately in a crisis.