"Administered By" - restriction option
The goal of this enhancement is to give the districts the option to restrict the data that can be entered into the "Administered By" field when administering student medications.
Our school nurses indicate that standard accepted medical practice is for the person who is administering the medication to be the same person who is also entering the data into the student's medication administration record. By allowing the Skyward user to enter someone else (other than the person logged into Skyward) in the "Administered By" field of a student record without actually seeing that person administer the medication that has the potential to lead to accountability problems when it comes to accounting for medication that is supposed to be administered compared to medication that actually is administered to students.
We realize that some districts do not adhere to this standard accepted medical practice. Instead they have the "Administered By" person record the administration of medications on paper and submit it someone else to enter it into the medical records in Skyward. With that in mind we are requesting that Skyward update the software to allow the district to choose how it wants to deal with this issue. Please provide us with an option (check the box) in the product setup/configuration area of Skyward Medications like the following:
"When Administering Medication allow only the Skyward user (the person logged into Skyward) to enter their own name key as the "Administered By"
Expected Outcomes:
Districts will have the flexibility to deal with this situation according to their own needs and policies.
Districts will be able to use standard accepted medical practice when administering student medications which will allow them to be more accountable for medications that are dispensed to students.
Our school nurses would like to use the Administer Medication features of Skyward but the lack of accountability resulting from the issue identified in this RFE is preventing them from doing so. With the suggested enhancement accountability would be increased to the point where our district (and others) would begin to utilize this feature of the software and benefit from the efficiency it would provide.
Ideas for accomplishing this:
- Provide districts with an option (check the box) in the product setup/configuration area of Skyward Medications like the following:
"When Administering Medication allow only the Skyward user (the person logged into Skyward) to enter their own name key as the "Administered By"