NOSE Capture Digital Signature from Parent
We would like to add an additional step to NSOE that would allow the parent to digitally sign the application. Would also like for it to convert the application to a .PDF and add it under the Portfolio > Enrollment Attachments. This will give us a signed snapshot of the application of what it was when the parent submitted it.
We would like to add an additional step to NSOE that would allow the parent to digitally sign the application. Would also like for it to convert the application to a .PDF and add it under the Portfolio > Enrollment Attachments. This will give us a signed snapshot of the application of what it was when the parent submitted it.
Jason Melkus commented
This would be great. We currently link out to a 3rd party signature app and a lot of times parents either don't complete it and click complete application, or they link out to the signature app and think they are done and don't come back to click complete in NSOE.