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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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Customer Feedback for the

SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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36 results found

  1. Ability To Tie Specific Time Off Codes to Specific Pay Codes

    We would like the ability to connect specific time off codes to specific pay codes. Time off populates into timesheets, and from the timesheet it flows into payroll. With past employers, sick/vacation/personal time taken showed up on employees pay stubs. This would also be helpful when someone received a different rate of pay for time off. This became most evident and problematic with COVID absences, but it would be helpful in VARIOUS ways that have nothing to do with COVID. EPSL at 2/3 pay may or may not return in the near future, but not having this REALLY caused major…

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    Tell us More  ·  Caitlin Barton responded

    Hello! Thank you for submitting this idea. We are looking for more feedback – is your idea only relating to True Time?

  2. Fix the 'Tab Selection Order' and screen spacing when entering True Time

    A) On True Time>Quick Tracking when there is second entry, but strangely NOT when there is only one entry, the tab order causes the screen to jump around when trying to enter data, instead of the fields being in screen order 1,2,3,4,5 when pressing the tab key they are in 1,3,4,5,2 order.
    B) The time entry window (B) size is a fixed size, and the extra padding added to the 'start time' and 'end time' fields forces the inner form to always require a scroll to enter data. This is confusing and an unnecessary hinderance to a quick and seamless…

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  3. Pop Up Message for True Time

    It would be great if you could create a pop up message option for True Time Quick Entry. A lot of our employees do not open the Employee Access screen often and this would be a great way to get needed messages to them.

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  4. True Time - Premium Pay during COVID-19 Shut-down

    Exploring options to continue paying our Hourly Staff regardless of clocking in/out, but additionally paying at a Premium rate for those who do clock in/out during the closure.

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    0 comments  ·  Time Tracking  ·  Admin →
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  5. True Time - Enforce Minimum Out To Lunch Timeframe

    In Timekeeping rules, it would be helpful if there was an option to set a minimum time for Out To Lunch. An option already exists that checks time out to lunch for conversion back to an IN punch, but there are no options available to not permit employees to punch back in until they have taken their full lunch break.

    This oversight is costing our district quite a bit in overtime/comp time due to employees failing to take their mandatory 30 minute lunch and accruing additional time throughout the week.

    I envision an additional option under the "Lunches are paid…

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    Thank you for submitting this idea to the Ideas Portal.

    This is the platform for Skyward users to show support for ideas they like. It’s also the perfect place to share your thoughts and start a conversation about the idea.

    If you like this idea, and you want it considered for development, then we need to see your support!

    If you like this idea, please vote and comment. You can track it as it rises to the top of the list.

    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

  6. I would like to be able to import the employee management calendar into TrueTime for schedules. We do double the work.

    I would like to be able to import the employee management calendar into TrueTime for schedules. We currently do double the work.

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  7. True Time VIEW OPTION only

    It would be helpful to add a VIEW ONLY option in True Time.

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  8. Being able to see time sheets for former employees without having to put them back on the org chart

    Often times for audits we have to pull reports for former employees showing hours worked during a specific time. I've found that if the person is a former employee, they will not get pulled into the report, nor can I see the time sheet if they are not listed on the org chart.
    I'd like to be able to have former employees pulled in to reports without having to add them to the org chart again.

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  9. Column for e-mail address in "My Employees Unsubmitted Time Sheets" screen

    Add a column for e-mail to the "My Employees Unsubmitted Time Sheets" screen for TT, so a Supervisor/Approver can e-mail an employee directly from this screen when they have an unsubmitted time sheet. This would make these notifications much quicker and helpful to be able to look back and see who received the reminder(s) when they fail to submit and don't get paid on time.

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  10. Timekeeping Rule-Tracking hours only

    Right now as it stands for timekeeping rules that are set up to track hours only there is no way to get the time sheet back to edit after it's been approved by the supervisor. For example a coach has clocked in out for most of the week. The AD approves the time sheet. The coach then says they forgot to clock in out on Friday. Since the time keeping rule is set up to track hours only there is not a way to get those hours added in. I'd like to see a way to be able to get…

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  11. Display timesheet in Unsubmitted even if no hours

    Could it be set up so a timesheet is created even if there are no hours recorded and have it display in Unsubmitted Time Sheets for each week there is a workweek schedule? This would be for timekeeping rules that use Annualized Pay based on Employee’s Schedule (see attachment for screen shots). Currently the Unsubmitted Time Sheets area doesn’t show timesheets for weeks where the employee didn’t clock in for the entire week. This could be a problem since the employee is automatically paid using annualized pay and it’s possible time off or worked time was supposed to have been…

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  12. Add option to mass change pay code for full week

    When an employee has a pay code change in profile and true time right now a supervisor must go in and edit each individual clock entry each day on the employee's unsubmitted time sheet.
    I would like to see a utility that can mass change the pay code for the entire week. Or have a utility that you can select FROM date x TO date x and mass change all transactions in between.

    If anyone needs further explanations I've attached some screen shots of the pages showing the only way to edit a pay code in TT.

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  13. True Time Comp Time Max

    We currently have a group who has a 56 hour comp time max clause in their contract. TT is set up to allow 56 hours per year but for our purposes we need to cap at 56 as an overall total. TT allows the employee to continue to request comp in excess of 56 hours.
    Is there a way to remove the "Maximum yearly balance starts at the beginning of ___________" piece in the timekeeping rule?

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  14. True Time Overseer

    We could really use the ability true time overseer.
    We would like another person to have the ability to approve timesheets in the event the supervisor is absent. We would like the ability to give them permissions to a specific group (like bus drivers) much like with can do with time off overseers...

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    Thank you for submitting and voting on this idea. Upon further technical review, it has been decided we will not be moving forward with this request at this time due to the differences in expected functionality and the complexity of solving for all possible scenarios.

    Please continue to contribute your ideas — they push us to innovate, problem solve, and really understand your needs.

    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

  15. Holidays split between pay codes

    The goal would be to have the system look at the employees detail schedule and split the holiday pay between pay codes rather then basing it on the primary pay code. The only way to currently do this is to manually split it and this leaves too much room for error.
    The expected outcome would be for the system to look at the detail schedule rather then the primary pay code when determining holiday hours.

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    Planned  ·  1 comment  ·  Time Tracking  ·  Admin →
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  16. Need to manually enter Barcode and Proximity Value

    We should be able to manually enter Barcodes and Proximity values for our TrueTime users in Employees in TrueTime. Employees has their ID badges before employees are set up in TrueTime we need to manually enter these values verses hunting the employees down and then setting up their badges at readers.
    This will be a huge time-saver for our employees and those managers that set up the badges.

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    Thank you for submitting this idea, voting on it and in some instances providing more feedback. We spent time researching this request and working with our Professional Services department for a viable solution.

    At this time, we are not considering it for development. This request requires some heavy technical enhancements that do not line up with our current road map.

    Thank you,
    Ashley Prinsen
    Product Owner

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