Need to manually enter Barcode and Proximity Value
We should be able to manually enter Barcodes and Proximity values for our TrueTime users in Employees in TrueTime. Employees has their ID badges before employees are set up in TrueTime we need to manually enter these values verses hunting the employees down and then setting up their badges at readers.
This will be a huge time-saver for our employees and those managers that set up the badges.

Thank you for submitting this idea, voting on it and in some instances providing more feedback. We spent time researching this request and working with our Professional Services department for a viable solution.
At this time, we are not considering it for development. This request requires some heavy technical enhancements that do not line up with our current road map.
Thank you,
Ashley Prinsen
Product Owner
Lora Holman commented
There is a way to upload proximity or barcode data into Skyward. It is a multi-step process that starts with running a utility (outside of Skyward) to convert the number (proximity) to binary. Then there is an Admin Tool in Product Setup that will allow you to import the csv file. But it would be so much better to be able to enter the number for individual staff directly into Skyward.