Display timesheet in Unsubmitted even if no hours
Could it be set up so a timesheet is created even if there are no hours recorded and have it display in Unsubmitted Time Sheets for each week there is a workweek schedule? This would be for timekeeping rules that use Annualized Pay based on Employee’s Schedule (see attachment for screen shots). Currently the Unsubmitted Time Sheets area doesn’t show timesheets for weeks where the employee didn’t clock in for the entire week. This could be a problem since the employee is automatically paid using annualized pay and it’s possible time off or worked time was supposed to have been entered that week. If the employee never sees an unsubmitted timesheet they might not realize they never took care of that week. By not seeing it in Unsubmitted Time Sheets one would assume all timesheets have been submitted. True Time employees (and others with access to their information) should be able to look in the Unsubmitted Time Sheets area and see all the weeks where a timesheet hasn’t been submitted but the employee was scheduled to work.

Denise Miller commented
I agree with this. I sent a snapshot to an employee of all their unsubmitted time sheets but had to preface that there were quite a few that had nothing entered so they didn't show up as unsubmitted.
Julie, we do see these on the TT report but then we get the employees that haven't even started or employees that had docks entered for the entire week show up as no activity.
Julie Lipke commented
We do have the option to see employees with no transactions which would be helpful if it didn't pull in employees that haven't started yet or if it had a start date to print so that supervisors and payroll depts to see.
We have had occasions where employees were gone, they didn't enter their time and were missed because of this.