add Migrant questions to NSOE
add Migratory Student Information collection to NSOE. DPI has a form for these families to fill out (and skyward has an import process to pull these families into Skyward from DPI). However, there is not a process to collect the information in NSOE. We are adding our own questions to NSOE based on the links below but to ensure enrollments are similar at other districts in Wisconsin could this be added by Skyward to NSOE?
Requirement C.1. Identification of Migratory Children
LEAs must have procedures in place to identify migratory students.
Section 1111(b)(2)(B)(xi)(VI)
This is required for all LEAs whether or not they have or had migratory students enrolled in their LEA.
C.1. Required Documentation
Internal procedures used to identify migratory students and their needs.
Sample procedures for identifying migrant students (English and Spanish):
DPI’s webpage for identifying migratory students:
DPI’s webpage for migrant status in WISEdata:
C.1. Rubric