Skybuild - Family Data Type
While working with Skyward support, it was determined that a Skybuild cannot make a file export with 1 row per family.
Skyward support - "If we had a family data type we could group based on the family but since we don't that will not be an option. "
Example use case -- our family news letters are distributed from another web services, and we send the the company an SFTP Skybuild file that contains the names and emails of our guardians based on the building that their student(s) are actively enrolled. The current issue is that we can either use the data type Student or Guardian; both create duplicate rows for the parent's NameID.
Example when using the Student data type and the NameID for F1/G1 will output a row for each student the parent may have. The news letter company can only take one row with a unique NameID. If a parent has 4 kids, the same NameID for the parent will appear 4 times in the export.
Example when using the Guardian data type and the NameID for F1/G1 will output two rows for each student the parent may have. The news letter company can only take one row with a unique NameID. If a parent has 4 kids, the same NameID for the parent will appear 8 times in the export.
Attached is an image of what the Student data type outputs compared to what would be ideal with a Family data type that shows what buildings a family has students enrolled in.

Bryce Jensen commented
Attached is what the interface looks like.
At this time, all the per entity/building files merge into one exported document.