"Password of the Day" for Fix Programs hurts productivity
Skyward has implemented a "password of the day" for whenever anyone needs to use the Fee Fix program. Each day we need to use it, we need to reach out to Skyward via a service call and wait for their response. This hinders productivity as the response can take several hours to arrive. It also places unnecessary workload and stress on the Skyward customer service representatives. Ideally, there should be a way to automatically distribute this password to specific users (ones with system-wide access, perhaps?) who can divulge it to their coworkers as needed.

Theresa Scherzinger commented
I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that because of the issues of a few schools who had issues with Fee Eraser, that it was taken off as an ability for the remainder of us users who never had a problem that needed to be fixed as a result of its use.
In a large corp, I would be able to go in as a last resort for our Bus Office and fix something in Fees in less than a minute! Now, it takes me a minute just to do the service call to get the POD and then wait for support to get back to me and they want to "walk me" through a fix to get the POD. I don't have time for it as I am sure MANY do not.
We have to do this through security access and it is documented why we are in that area. You really need a better system to letting those of us who know how to use it, have access to it.
What used to be a clean look on the parent side is now a bunch of add/delete, reverse, etc. So taking it away has caused us to have to fix issues a longer way and get calls from parents about why it looks that way.
Find a way to give it back :)