Student Indicators for Attendance
This is a joint rfe from Amarillo and Birdville. We would like to be able to have the option to set student indicator(s) based on student attendance. Our districts are having to watch our student's attendance and it would be extremely helpful if we were able to have a student indicator that each district would be able to customize. Our idea is have a nightly job that runs as a scheduled tasks that would set a flag for all students who met the criteria set in the nightly job. Inside the job you could set what attendance type codes/what period(s)/Date range (semester/year long)/Periods. Having these options we feel that this job could be customized for elementary and secondary schools. So each night the job would clear and set the flags for all students at the school....that way any cleared attendance would be "fixed".
Help office staff know of students with frequent flier attendance problems. Ideally I would like for there being the capability to set multiple flags. Ex: first flag - students with too many absences and 2- students with too many UNEXCUSED absences. With district ratings being more and more tied to attendance I think this would help our districts.