Adding Health Tab to Skyward Mobile Access
We had a situation where a student had a medical emergency outside of the school building. Our nurse attempted to utilize the mobile skyward app to relay health conditions to the EMT's. The time it took to access the data through the desktop option on the app was extremely lengthy for an emergency situation. Having a heath tab on the mobile app would allow emergency personnel to assess patients quickly.
Having a heath tab on the mobile app would allow emergency personnel to assess patients quickly.

Jason Melkus commented
Please include the ability to enter an injury report from the app. It would be useful for field trips where they may not have a form handy, or for coaches to document injuries from the field while everything is still fresh in their heads as opposed to having to hunt down a paper form after the fact.
If we can do a discipline referral from the app, we should be able to do this as documenting an injury seems at least as important (if not more) as documenting the fight that caused it.
Shari Hines commented
We had a very similar situation in a room where there weren't any accessible computers. It would be very helpful and could very well be life saving!
I know that Health conditions are very private, but could security be set accordingly?