Medication inventory read quanity
Want the inventory section of the medication profile to read quantity not milligrams as not all medications come in MG... We count per pill not by milligrams. or have a drop down for mL for liquid meds and pills for pill form medications.
clarification: in the medical field when we do inventory counts we count the number of tablets not the number of milligrams or puffs (inhalers). So when you add a medication inventory we would like the option to pick capsules tablets puffs or milliliters. We don't want the inventory to count milligrams or what we put in the dosage unit section when adding a new medication. And if there is a way that another user could do a second sign off as controlled substances are supposed to be double counted.
Jillian Bair commented
Agreed, a second code table here would be very beneficial. The current dosage table could document the actual mg of the med while another table (amount? measure?) could document how many pills, tablets, puffs, ml, etc. of the medication is given. Inventory should be based off the second code table as inventory is usually tracked by physical amounts of medication, not dosages.