Seperate Security for Emergency Info and Contacts
The goal of our request is to allow Campus Nurse staff to edit Critical Alert/Emergency information and to not allow them to change Emergency Contacts.
We have been directed to only allow the registration staff role to edit profile address and contact information. We need to limit the ability to change emergency contacts. At this time Nurses are not allowed to edit this area however they are responsible for the Emergency Info.
Negative impact: Forcing this screen to ReadOnly for staff that is responsible for editing alert information because giving edit ability for Emergency Info also allows them to edit emergency contacts and guardians can be be in emergency contacts.
Expected outcome : Both areas have an Edit button. Expect that the Security menu Option would be split for Emergency Info area and Emergency Contact area. Both areas would still be displayed on the same screen. Just allow choice of security for each top area Emergency Info and bottom area Emergency Contacts.
This would allow us to secure each area to staff responsible for that information.

Nichol Smithers commented
This already exists under the Office pathway. Make sure your nurses have access to WS\OF\HR\TB\IF
Using the Health Contact Info tab in Office/Student Profile will let them Edit Health Contact Information (Alert Box information and Provider information) but it does not have the Emergency Contacts on this pathway.