Texas STAAR EOC Report needs Student IDs added
This report is a great report. It pulls student's STAAR EOC information along with the Exemptions and the reasons. Pulling the reason for the exemption was not possible through data mining. This report needs to be further developed by:
Adding the Other ID (Student ID)or Student Alpha Key. With so many similar names it is time consuming to look up the individual students with similar names and compare scores in order to match up the correct student. This is especially involved when running the report at the (000) level.
Adding a check box to have an option to "Export to Excel" so that the information may print one line per student aligning the subjects selected. It is not possible to sort and filter from a PDF. Although it is possible to Convert the PDF to Excel through the print queue it is not a a very clean conversion. Too many adjustments to the report have to be made in order to view as needed.
The Other ID or Student Alpha Key should be an automatic field of the student name to further identify the student's name.