Need to see report by rotation
By having the report print out by rotation Day 1 is Days 1-6 rotation Day 2 is Days 7-12 rotation. In order to check our attendance offenders we run the report by student and then have to manually go through each date for each student and see which rotation they were absent on. If they have 3 or more absences on a rotation they are not in compliance with attendance rules. We then lower the grade for the rotation they are not in compliance with. If they are in Academics/Technical for Days 1-6 then they get a lower grade if they don't make up the work. Same applies for days 7-12. We also would like to be able to run this report by age as well for our Attendance letters. We have 2 different letters that go out for detention based on age. In PA if they are 16 or younger we give them a letter stating that if they do not make up their days they will have to go to court and pay a fine. The student who are 17 and older need to attend Saturday detentions or they will not be able to participate in school activities.
If we were able to just run the report by the rotation we could just glance through the report and can quickly complete run a list to distribute to the teachers making them aware of the attendance violators. This will also make staff aware of the students who will not be able to participate in any school activity.