Teacher Acces to view Hearing and Vision Screening
At this time Skyward does not allow for a classroom teacher to be able to view their classroom roster's student health screenings. (Yes they could see ALL students in their building if we add them as a Student Management Security Group; however our Superintendent and the Deputy want it to be limited to the teacher's roster only).
Our School Nurses and Teachers hope Skyward will be able to be configured so the teacher can view this information at the teacher's view of the student profile from within Educator Access. They would like the same view as the parent has at Health Info: Display Options_ Tests Vision and Hearing
Screenshots in the attached document show it is missing from the Teacher's View.
Add View to Teacher Access so the teacher can see his/her student Health Info limiting to Screenings (Vision and Hearing Tests) only.
Currently the teacher has to go to the Nurse or Secretary to get this information. The Nurse or Office Staff is busy and the teacher would like to access this without bothering them.
The teacher can use this information when evaluating student progress and factors for enhancing student learning.
Gayle Rue commented
At this time Skyward does not allow for a classroom teacher to be able to view their classroom roster's student health screenings. (Yes they could see ALL students in their building if we add them as a Student Management Security Group; however our Superintendent and the Deputy want it to be limited to the teacher's roster only).
Our School Nurses and Teachers hope Skyward will be able to be configured so the teacher can view this information at the teacher's view of the student profile from within Educator Access. They would like the same view as the parent has at Health Info: Display Options_ Tests Vision and Hearing
Screenshots in the attached document show it is missing from the Teacher's View.
Add View to Teacher Access so the teacher can see his/her student Health Info limiting to Screenings (Vision and Hearing Tests) only.
Currently the teacher has to go to the Nurse or Secretary to get this information. The Nurse or Office Staff is busy and the teacher would like to access this without bothering them.
The teacher can use this information when evaluating student progress and factors for enhancing student learning. -
Gayle Rue commented
At this time Skyward does not allow for a classroom teacher to be able to view their classroom roster's student health screenings. (Yes they could see ALL students in their building if we add them as a Student Management Security Group; however our Superintendent and the Deputy want it to be limited to the teacher's roster only).
Our School Nurses and Teachers hope Skyward will be able to be configured so the teacher can view this information at the teacher's view of the student profile from within Educator Access. They would like the same view as the parent has at Health Info: Display Options_ Tests Vision and Hearing
Screenshots in the attached document show it is missing from the Teacher's View.
Add View to Teacher Access so the teacher can see his/her student Health Info limiting to Screenings (Vision and Hearing Tests) only.
Currently the teacher has to go to the Nurse or Secretary to get this information. The Nurse or Office Staff is busy and the teacher would like to access this without bothering them.
The teacher can use this information when evaluating student progress and factors for enhancing student learning.