Attendance Enhancement Needed
We have a "mini" college campus @HS. We have over 350 kids that move in and out of our building on a daily basis that we need to track for attendance. We have codes set up for such but there is no simple way to enter this except one by one!
I would propose to add an enhancement in the Attendance Entry by Class or Activity screen to add a "selected days" button and a "meet" button to easily add students scheduled in certain classes that leave the building. It would also be nice to do this on individual student.
Would like to be able to run a "daily scheduled task" to prefill attendance each night. But if that too complicated will take the "selected days" button.
Presently this is a time consuming task (one by one) and when schedules change students get missed. Which is why if we could schedule a task it would pick up any schedule changes student has. Need this enhancement to better track attendance for state reporting purposes and for any emergency situation that might arise.