Allow date range for missing assignment display
Family/Student Access - gradebook display - missing assignment list
Please don't display assignments as missing if the student is not enrolled in the class. That covers classes that have ended (from 1st semester) and classes that have been dropped. I can't imagine a time when that list could be helpful and the list loses its impact and usefulness when students learn to ignore it because "that's all old stuff I can't make up anymore anyway".
This list currently displays missing assignments for classes the students are no longer enrolled in. I have changed temporarily changed the configuration to limit the list to the current grading term but this creates some problems and does not resolve others.
Scenario #1) Student dropped classes after the first week of the current term. Gradebook and schedule both show the class as dropped everything from the educator side also indicates the classes were dropped. But her missing assignment list displays assignments from those classes for dates AFTER she dropped the course. What is the purpose for this display to student and parents that these assignments are missing when the student isn't even taking the class?
Scenario #2) Viewing missing assignment list in February showed missing assignments from November and December. November and December were during 1st semester and those classes have expired. Again what is the purpose for displaying assignments missing from a class the student is no longer taking? I have one student who struggled a lot first semester and has really turned things around now and is doing a great job of staying current this semester. Every time he opens that gradebook the top of the page displays that he has missing assignments. But they are from November and December thus are assignments he can do nothing about because the classes ended two months ago. Yes he can dig deeper to see that there are no missing assignments from his current classes but it seems pointless to have to do so and even though it may seem trivial to click a few extra times this student is dejected when he sees that list. He will NEVER be able to see "0 missing assignments" even though he has on top of things for 2 months and has no missing assignments for the classes he is currently in.
Scenario # 3) This has the opposite effect on a different student - has a bunch of missing assignments from 1st semester and only a few from this current term. That student has become desensitized to the missing assignment list because "it's all old stuff anyway that I can't do anything about". Yes there are ways to click around and dig deeper to find out that 2 of those 23 missing assignments are actually relevant right now but the fact that we have to do so if very frustrating. What is gained by continuing to display those assignments when the class is no longer active?
SC response told me how to set limit this to current grading period which I have now done but this is not ideal because some teachers use semester grading rather than term grading. If I understand correctly the day we change from Term 3 to Term 4 all the missing assignments from Term 3 will disappear from the list; or when we cross the date to end Midterm 4 then missing wok from the first half of the term will no longer show up in the list. I'm not happy with that because both T3 and T4 are part of the current semester. I'm concerned that if the missing assignment list starts over when we turn to T4 or M4 then students will on longer be alerted to missing work that they may still be able to do. The classes are still active so the missing assignments from T3 are still relevant even if we're a week into T4. (As opposed to Semester 1 classes that are no longer active).
If I'm mistaken in my understanding and the Semester grading period (rather than the term or midterm) dictates what is considered current then I will be satisfied with the current setup - when there are concurrent terms I want the 'largest' term (semester) to dictate what displays rather than the smallest (midterm).
And the 'current term' solution does not fix Scenario 1 from above - those assignments are from the current term even though the student is no longer in the class.
Thank you for considering changes to the Missing Assignment list in Student/Family Access gradebook.

Denise Thornberry commented
Would it be helpful for you to go to configuration and check the box next to "Only Show for Current Classes"? That is what I have setup for our district and it works for us!