Grade Percentages added to Grade Cards
I am making a request that Grade Percentages be made available to print on grade cards-District & Custom. I do NOT want to request this as a custom change for our district only. I would like to see this added for ALL Skyward users. When I asked during our 1st year of using Skyward I was told that percentages weren't needed on grade cards. However when students withdraw the school they are transferring to wants %'s especially if it's in the middle of a grading period. If an A is 90-100 there is a big difference between the 90 & 100. This runs true for all other grade marks. I even was asked to provide %'s for a student's quarter grades because that school wanted them for averaging together. If I can print %'s via EA+/Secondary Prog Rpt Ltr AND check Print Posted Grades instead of Gradebook Grades why can't percentages be printed on grade cards for all students?