Instructional Responsibility for PVAAS
The percentage of shared instruction will set to default to the value based on dividing 100 by the number of teachers flagged as having instructional responsibility for a course. Our district has followed an 80/20 responsibility for two co-teacher courses and 55/35/10 for three co-teacher courses in our six elementary buildings. There is no way to change the default and each individual student record will need to be changed for all teachers. This will be a very time consuming task and may attribute to more errors when uploading to PIMS thus creating incorrect records in the PVAAS system. Instructional responsibility for all teachers could be entered per section in our previous SIS and I know that can be done in Sapphire as well. There is no PA PIMS rule mandating that teachers are divided evenly by 100.
Recommendation 1 - Add a Field in "Edit Class Meet" to add Instructional Responsibility.
Recommendation 2 - After choosing "PIMS/PVAAS Reporting" enable the ability to select an entire teacher column to override the percentage for each teacher once instead of individually by student.