Reset Tardy Counter on Tardy Kiosks
We restart the count of tardies for students at the start of a new semester so their sem 1 tardies don't carry into sem 2. They all start from 0 in the new semester. The Tardy Kiosk receipt that is printed still shows a cumulative count for the school year. Please consider adding the functionality of being able to reset the counter on the Tardy Kiosks at the end of a semester.

Lori Rankin commented
It is extremely common for districts to start their tardy counts over at term or semester. It would be beneficial to give districts the option to reset the tardy count so it reflects their policies.
Amy Williams commented
WE NEED THIS!!! Right now, you don't have an option to select how you want the total tardies to display. It is set for year long and that's it. Our district, and I'm sure others as well, do discipline on tardies by quarter. An example is 3 tardies in a quarter equals one D-Hall. When the new quarter starts, it resets to 0.