Quick Score Feature open thru Grade Input End
Our teachers use the Quick Score Feature in their Gradebook. However once the grading period has closed that feature is no longer available. Teachers would like to be able to use the Quick Score Feature until the Grade Input End Date expires.

Kathleen Webb commented
Our teachers use the Quick Score Feature in their Gradebook. However once the grading period has closed that feature is no longer available. Teachers would like to be able to use the Quick Score Feature until the Grade Input End Date expires.
Kathleen Webb commented
Our teachers use the Quick Score Feature in their Gradebook. However once the grading period has closed that feature is no longer available. Teachers would like to be able to use the Quick Score Feature until the Grade Input End Date expires.
Kathleen Webb commented
Our teachers use the Quick Score Feature in their Gradebook. However once the grading period has closed that feature is no longer available. Teachers would like to be able to use the Quick Score Feature until the Grade Input End Date expires.