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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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97 results found

  1. Epayable payment type

    There needs to be a check type for EPayables that processes like a check without printing the check. Currently in SMS our only options are to use the check type "wire" or "manual" which causes the cash to hit on the date that the invoice is posted instead of when the payment is made. This creates the need for journal entries to post the cash in the month it was actually spent. With the increasing need to be paperless, this is essential to properly process payment without having to print a check.

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  2. Check Image and ACH Advice of Deposit Image Attached to AP Transactions

    With the goal of going paperless, we would like to see the Check and ACH Advice of Deposit Images attached to each payment as part of AP process. (Similar to the way that employee letters are posted to each employee's record.)

    The image of the check and advice of deposit is requested frequently by our auditors and as part of the grant reporting process.

    Currently, we print the check image and file it, but with the transition to paperless we are saving the PDF file for each check run. However, this still involves searching through the PDF file to obtain…

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  3. Wire Transfer Reference # Set Up

    When setting up Wire Transfer Reference # for new fiscal year - allow the district to edit the first four digits to a larger number. With the start of the 20-21 SY - our ACH & Wire Transfer number both begin in the 20xxxxxxx digits which will make it more difficult to recognize whether a voucher is an ACH payment or a Wire Transfer payment. We use Wire Transfer numbers for all of our p-card payments.

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  4. Ability to attach payment backup in AP Payment screen

    We currently have ability to attach documentation to an invoice but not to the payment itself. In many instances, particularly in the payment of payroll invoices, MANY invoices makeup one payment and is time-prohibitive to attach to each invoice. It would be helpful to have the attach option to be also available in the AP payment screen.

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  5. Ability to view Account Number from Entry and Approval Screen

    In the invoices entry, requisition entry, purchase order entry, invoice approval, and requisition approval screens you should be able to see the expense accounts as part of the grid. This would allow you to check the account distribution without having to go into each individual invoice or requisition. Would speed up checking and make entry more consistent.

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  6. Visual for Check Request approval

    Please allow for a visual in the check request approval that views the same as the visual for the PO/req approval. This would greatly increase the speed of approving check requests as currently you have to click into each check request to see the account number. It would be much more efficient to have a visual displayed like the PO/req system approval.

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  7. Allow Spreadsheet Style editing on Invoice Entry Screen

    To makes edits on the invoice entry screen you currently have to edit each individual invoice. It would speed things up greatly if you could make edits down the columns just like a spreadsheet. For example, you enter 20 invoices and then realize that the due date needs to be changed. Instead of having to go to each individual invoice you could make a mass edit button that allows you to edit anything in the Invoice Entry grid and just hit enter to be able to move on to the next invoice to edit.

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  8. Add a way to flag duplicate routing/account numbers while entering ACH info in AP. Similar to the duplicate SSN flag in AP.

    Add a way to flag duplicate routing/account numbers while entering ACH info in AP. Similar to the duplicate SSN flag in AP.

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  9. Re-print expense reimbursement

    It would be nice if you could re-print the expense reimbursement invoice after it has been moved to history. Currently we can "view" the reimbursement but there is no great way to re-print the reimbursement invoice looking the same.

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  10. Invoice attachment report in Accounts Payable

    Ability to run a report that would show any invoices that do not have an attachment.

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  11. Search for checks by check # or vendor

    Without printing a report - we need a quick way to search for checks that we have processed. The ability to look up a check by check number or vendor name would be very helpful.

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  12. employee reimbursements

    Allow financial secetarys to submit employee reimbursments on behalf of employees at their building as they know correct accounts, etc. to charge. The office then is able to obtain the original receipt.

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  13. Flag to NOT allow duplicate check requests in the Check Request module

    Create a feature in Check Request (Finance) that would allow us to not allow a user to submit a check request if a duplicate invoice exists in the system

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  14. Option to reprint vouchers in Accounts Payable or a system setting to not move forward until opened

    In Kansas, our PR and AP clerks are both having issues remembering to print their vouchers while doing PR and AP. My PR clerk is trying to get into the habit of saving those each time but forgets to do that and print them sometimes. Is there a way to go back and reprint vouchers that you know of? If not then could a setting be added to not move onto the next section in AP until vouchers are printed or at least opened. This is the option if you don't print checks, but would like to see that added…

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  15. Add district option to hide Credit Card number from Credit Card Trans Rpt

    Currently there is a option on the Credit Card Transaction Report screen to show the card number as a Full Number, Last Four Digits or Do Not Display. We'd like a district option to remove the choice of displaying the Full Number on the Credit Card Transaction Report. We instruct staff, with access to this, to choose either "last four digits" or "do not display", but they can select the "full number" option. To add a layer of security we would like to remove this option for all users in our district. WP\AP\CC\RE\CT

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  16. Detailed Reports by GLN

    In the past, I have always manually reclassed my liablities from GLN 206 to GLN 210 (due to other districts), 212 (due to other govn) and 220 (contracts payable). This year, I thought I would set the system up to book automatically to the correct GLN's. I was able to successfully do so, but then for the life of me, could not get a report to show the detail I booked to each liability account. I was on the phone with support for one full hour to no avail. I now have to manually go back through the list to…

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  17. Select Check Column Sorting - WF\AP\CR\CR

    Sorry for the repost but, PR 4045393 did not address this issue as the screen is still not sortable. Need the ability to sort by columns that was removed in Addendum 2 (02/25/2019) restored. If there is an issue with maintaining the marks on selected checks you fix the issue instead of removing a function that brings the issue to light. We are talking about the screen "Select Checks to Apply Statement Date" where you complete the checkbox to apply the date to the selected checks.

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  18. Wire Payment Check Number

    Need check number for wire payments assigned during the check register process instead of invoice created. Invoices in batch status currently have check numbers when payment method is wire. This is causing check numbers to be out of sequence when including the check date. Wire payments created on the first and paid on the last day have check numbers before wire payments entered and paid on the 15th.

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  19. PO notes available under vendors

    When a note is added to a specific PO, the note does not show up on the vendor tab (under notes), but attachments do. Can the notes show up like attachments do?

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  20. Expense Reimbursement Reports

    The Expense Reimbursement area currently doesn't have any reports. It would be nice if similar to Credit Cards we could run transaction reports by status such as Waiting for Approval. There currently is not a great way for District to play big brother and make sure everyone across the district is staying on top of their approvals.

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