Attachment to emailed PO's
When attaching documents to a requisition, there is an option to check a box that says "send attachment with PO". It would be helpful if the default to this was "yes" - with the box checked. Staff do not realize they should check that box in order to include the attachment. 95% of the time we would include the attachment with the emailed PO. This would avoid us having to go into each requisition that has an attachment. menu path WF/PU/MR/RE/AT - when you click add file or link.

Thank you for submitting this idea. We suggest using Skycoder to make the “Send Attachment with PO” default to “Yes”.
If you don’t have someone at the district to create JavaScript, we can provide this code to use in Skycoder:
// On add of a file, initialize Email with purchase orders to checked
if (document.getElementById(‘vMaintOption’).value == ‘add’) {
$(‘#cEmailPO’).prop(‘checked’, true);
Thank you!