Ability to view Account Number from Entry and Approval Screen
In the invoices entry, requisition entry, purchase order entry, invoice approval, and requisition approval screens you should be able to see the expense accounts as part of the grid. This would allow you to check the account distribution without having to go into each individual invoice or requisition. Would speed up checking and make entry more consistent.

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If an Invoice Entry or Requisition Entry has multiple accounts, how would you expect to see the multiple accounts listed?
Thank you!
Carli Sanders commented
In Credit Card transactions, if multiple accounts are used it says Multiple Accounts. Clicking on the carrot allows the approver to see details. In the current set up, you have to click on every single transaction to see the account posted to.
Lori Leiterman commented
I agree - I noticed this in the Invoice Entry area in the Web. Before I update any invoices - I like to do a double check that staff are using correct accounts prior to updating to reduce excess entries in the detailed history reports. In PAC you are able to view Invoice Info to include description and in the bottom frame it shows account number(s) used. It is all on one page and very quick.
Amanda Yadro commented
I would want it to show "Multiple" with a hyperlink that you can click on that will show the breakdown.