Need Additional Layer of Security When Employees Request a Direct Deposit Change
When employees submit a request to change their direct deposit information, we need them to validate who they are before they can request the change. This could be similar to how an employee needs to enter their full social security number before they are allowed to print their W-2.
We have completed PR 5348523 for users to be required to enter their SSN when requesting direct deposit changes - as long as you are on the latest addendum you should be seeing these changes.
Thank you!
Lora Holman commented
It makes sense for this additional requirement to be for direct deposit changes, not other information changes.
Penny Morrison commented
We are only requesting the employee needs to enter their SSN for direct deposit changes, not other information changes.
Penny Morrison commented
We believe a verification using the employee's SSN for the direct deposit changes would be sufficient. We haven't had any problems with other change requests we allow, such as address or phone number changes.
Lori Johnson commented
Can you add another level of security when an employee goes in to make a direct deposit change? Make the employee type in the SS# as they do when accessing their W2? In the last 3 weeks, we have had someone hack into 6 teachers Employee Access accounts & change their bank info. We email all employees who request a change on their direct deposit on their work email. For the last 2 teachers, the hacker was able to login to the employee's email & actually responded to me that it was ok. (That just happened yesterday.) Fortunately, we caught all of them! Many districts around me still make the employee hand carry a direct deposit change form to the Admin building as they don't trust the module. I am not ready to go back to that. Please consider adding an extra layer of security on this awesome feature!
Lori Johnson commented
I know what you are saying. However, I just right click on the approval screen & print from there.
Lisa Bublitz commented
Would like to see an option to print the acknowledgement of the information that was changed by the employee. The change history file shows that the information was changed by the employer not approved by the employer and entered by the employee. If the employee doesn't attach a file for verification there isn't a way to prove that an entry was incorrect if needed.