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SMS 2.0 School Management System

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SMS 2.0 School Business Suite

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SMS 2.0 Student Management Suite

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School Business Suite

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40 results found

  1. Text Messaging Authentication

    Staff are upset about installing an authenticator app on their personal devices. Could text messaging be set up as an option?

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    Thank you for submitting the product idea!

    At this time text messaging is not being considered for SMS due to security concerns with text message authentication and spoofing.

    We have found the Authenticator apps are the more secure way to handle MFA logins.


    Erik O.

  2. taxable sales

    I would like to propose the addition of a "Taxable Sales" button in our system to automatically calculate and post tax to the liability account. Currently, our bookkeepers have that and now that we will be migrating to Q they will have to manually back out tax and post revenues separately, which is time-consuming and prone to errors.

    Implementing this feature will streamline operations, ensure accuracy, and reduce the workload on our bookkeepers by eliminating multiple steps in the tax reporting process.

    I believe this enhancement will greatly improve our operational efficiency and accuracy. I look forward to your feedback.

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  3. Account Purge for Accounts Never Used

    Please consider adding a purge option for accounts that have never been used. The accounts are currently inactive in our system but have never been used and are set up with dimensions that were not set up.

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  4. Automatic Curser Prompt on Authenticator Screen

    Please consider adding a default cursor prompt in the Authenticator number field on the Authenticator screen. When logging in, one has to take their hands away from the keyboard/mouse to access the authentication code on the Authenticator app, and then reposition the mouse to the field when typing in the code.

    In my experience most authenticator apps automatically place the curser in the authenticator field. This will save time and hassle of repositioning the mouse to type in the 6 digit code.

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  5. Total Amount Columns on Chart of Accounts

    Would like to see amount totals for each column in Chart of Accounts. When a filter is applied for a grant or group of accounts, it would be helpful if the view totaled the filtered accounts. See example attached from Skyward Competitor SchoolsOPEN Finance. Thank you for your consideration.

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  6. General Inputs Accounting Register report does not display Sub Fund dimension

    The Accounting Register Report from General Inputs (3glupdrl.p) does not display the 10th dimension of the Washington account code, known as Sub Fund. However, the Accounting Register from History – General Inputs report (3glupd06.p) displays the Sub Fund dimension properly.

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  7. Allow certain users full access to budget transfers when "stop if funds not available" is selected

    When you set the budget transfer/PO option to "stop if funds not available", we would like to allow the finance director and many members of the finance department to be able to make these transactions without the stop. It would be helpful and time saving if there was a way that we could set that up.

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  8. Import Account Numbers

    Import feature to upload a CSV file of new account numbers. This is allowed in the original/preliminary budget upload (to automatically add new accounts), but when we get new codes throughout the year, especially grants, we have to manually add each new account number.

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  9. Fiscal year as default

    We do not close our Fiscal year until the budget is approved by our BOE in October. In invoice entry, there is a way to set the Fiscal year you want as a default. In Cash receipt entry there is currently no way to do this. could this be an added field on the Data Retention on Add of Cash Receipts? Since GASB 84 all of our schools enter cash receipts daily for credit card payments received and this is a missed entry often. See the attachment for the screen I would like to see this added to.
    Thank you

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  10. Create a utility to mass change accounts in the chart of accounts. For example, one could mass inactivate accounts that hadn't been used i

    Create a utility to mass change accounts in the chart of accounts. For example, one could mass inactivate accounts that hadn't been used in years.

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  11. Reset All in Account Management

    The ability to "Reset All" filters in the accounts screens instead of resetting each individually. I have to scroll back and forth to make sure there are no other items with a filter on when I want to do a new search.

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    Thank you for submitting this Product Idea. We have reviewed it and would like to see more support from the Skyward user community prior to considering it for development.

    This Idea will remain open for the Skyward user community to show support by voting and commenting on it with additional use cases.

    Additionally, you now have the ability to indicate the level of importance when submitting or voting on an idea. Please take into consideration all the possible enhancements Skyward could complete for you and rank this idea with the global picture in mind.

    Thank you!

  12. Submit Journal Entry restricted to 100 lines

    We would like to do electronic approvals for Journal Entries. We often have JEs with over 100 lines. Although the Journal Entry screen allows thousands of lines, the "Submit Journal Entry" screen (which allows for electronic approvals), has a cap of 100 lines.

    I'm not sure why there would be a cap of 100 lines since I can import thousands of lines to the 'regular' Journal Entry screen.

    I'd like the ability to remove this limit, or at least increase the limit.

    See attached document for error message regarding 100 line maximum.

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  13. Make sure there is a phone number listed in Family Access when family edits or changes info.

    Is there a way to prompt families when they remove their landline in Family Access? When a family edits or removed the number, they are not getting called for negative balances of Food Lunch Account because we pull from there. Many families do not have landlines so they take that number out but are not replacing it with anything else. A prompt to put their cell # there would be great. Thank you

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  14. Remove limit of 100 lines per journal entry on the web

    Currently, there is a limit of 100 lines per journal entry when importing on the web. Often times, we import journal entries in PaC because there is no limit on the number of lines in a journal entry when using PaC. It would be great to use the web to import larger journal entries.

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  15. Rename Bank Codes

    We have inactive bank codes that are at the top of every list. It is irritating having these banks in the way. If we could rename the code, then they could be forced to the bottom of every list and help save time.

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  16. PS\WF\AM\UT\AM (Account Merge): Add a way to do this via import.

    PS\WF\AM\UT\AM (Account Merge): Add a way to do this via import. We have an extra six digits so we can't use the mass merge option, but even if that weren't the case, this still seems like a good area to do an import.

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  17. Option to only show active accounts in Account Management

    In Account Management, it appears that I have to scroll through all accounts. It would be wonderful if there was a way to set it to only active accounts. If I click on Account at the top and select only active as a filter, it does not save when you exit that screen,.

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  18. Ability to Import Budget Descriptions

    We would like the ability to import a file for account descriptions if you forgot to check the box to carry forward the descriptions for your yearly rollover.

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  19. Expand the Submit JE and Submit Transfer Functionality

    Expand the capabilities of the Submit Journal Entry and Submit Transfer functions to be able to add more than 20 lines to a transfer or journal entry. Also, add the ability to import large sets of data within this function.

    This would allow us to move to a digital format by attaching all backup to the journal entry or transfer and then submitting it to the final approver within Skyward. The journal entry report or transfer report, and accounting registers could then be saved electronically. This would eliminate all paper filing.

    Unlimited lines and importing is currently available in the…

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  20. JE approval path streamlined

    Would like to have a journal entry approval path alternative for established dollar amount thresholds or for certain types of JE's.

    For example maybe entries over $50K go to the CFO rather than a Director,etc..
    Also would like to be able to see who prepared and reveiwed the JE on the screen or when printed for audit purposes.

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    If you haven’t already tried the approve and reroute option, that might meet your needs:

    There is not a way to have conditional approval for Journal Entries in the way described in the question. What can be done, however, is that the Journal Entry setup can be done in such a way so as to allow rerouting approval to another user.

    When this option is turned on, Journal Entry approvers will be able to approve the journal entry and then send it to another User for approval.

    This User must be an approver in another Journal Entry Group.

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