JE approval path streamlined
Would like to have a journal entry approval path alternative for established dollar amount thresholds or for certain types of JE's.
For example maybe entries over $50K go to the CFO rather than a Director,etc..
Also would like to be able to see who prepared and reveiwed the JE on the screen or when printed for audit purposes.
If you haven’t already tried the approve and reroute option, that might meet your needs:
There is not a way to have conditional approval for Journal Entries in the way described in the question. What can be done, however, is that the Journal Entry setup can be done in such a way so as to allow rerouting approval to another user.
When this option is turned on, Journal Entry approvers will be able to approve the journal entry and then send it to another User for approval.
This User must be an approver in another Journal Entry Group.