Snapshot of what a fund looked like based upon a specific date
Our SBOA auditors have been asking us for a "snapshot" of our Federal Funds based upon a specific date of their choosing. This currently isn't possible because everything is like a living document in Skyward. So if we need to reproduce a data mining report from a prior date (say 8-31-19 for example) to verify something such as our reimbursement request for August expenditures will never be correct or the same as it was from 8-31-19 due to activity throughout the following months. We should be able to print the same report we did from a year ago and get the same data today for that date.

Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback!
We’re looking for clarity on this idea: Is this idea requesting an update to the reporting capabilities or does it deal more with the fact that if you backdate something we don’t have a tracker field in Data Mining to indicate that the transaction was backdated?
Thank you for your feedback!
Jayne Grillo commented
This request doesn't have anything to do with backdating any transactions. It is only for reporting and the SBOA auditors expect us to be able to recreate any report and get the same data on the report. So if I run a report today then two years from now, I should be able to run that same report and get the exact same data if I use the exact same date or date span. We were able to do that in our former software.