Add confirmation email "reply to" option
From within Online Forms a custom email can be sent after completion of the online form. We would like the ability to enter a "reply to" or "from" email address for this message. Currently the reply-to email is the default reply-to email for the entire system which in our case is HR/Finance and Student. We typically have the default set up as a noreply email but we want the Online Form confirmation email to have a valid reply-to email when we use Online Forms for our insurance Open Enrollment process. So during our Open Enrollment all emails that are sent from Skyward look like they are coming from insurance@....
Create an override field for the reply-to (or from) email. If it is blank then it will use the district's default email address otherwise it will use the email address entered. This feature is currently available in the Student Message Center area.
Thank you for submitting this idea. We need your feedback.
We need some clarification on your current process.
Are you processing Open Enrollment outside of Skyward? We ask because Online Forms is not what is used for Open Enrollment in Skyward. Custom Forms are used for Open Enrollment and we currently don’t have an Email option linked with Custom Forms.
Thanks for your feedback and thanks for walking us through your process so we can better understand this request!
Lora Holman commented
Correct, we use Online Forms w Custom Forms to create our own Open Enrollment process. (There is a reason why Skyward's Open Enrollment process doesn't work well with our setup.) That being said, we have a few different Online Forms processes created and it is really helpful that an email can be sent when an Online Form is completed, but it would be even better if we could enter an email address that the message is sent from. (I've seen this option on the student side, in Message Center.)