Add Web-Style Employee Selection Parameters to Mass Change Pay Record Account Numbers Utility
Even though the Mass Change Pay Record Account Numbers utility has been migrated to Web, the employee selection parameters mirror PaC-style selection, and do not offer any of the newer selection options (primary pay account code, assignment, etc.), nor can we utilize selection by Processing List.
These newer selection methods are invaluable when trying to reconfigure the accounts within existing pay codes to mirror current primary pay account structure. We cannot mass delete/recreate pay codes due to potential loss of historical data, so the accounts need to be updated periodically, but as employees move around, so do the dimensions of their primary you cannot simply run a select/replace based on the current account.
Example - A retention stipend code used to be tied to a single ESSER account for all employees, but now a new retention stipend is to be issued from general funds mirroring primary pay accounts. Currently, there is no way to just select a subset of employees based on their pay account dimensions, so updates have to be made manually.