Modify screens in SBAA and Purchasing
It would be great if we could modify our screens to better fit our needs. LIke deleting rows that aren't fitting our needs. Currenlty in purchasing you can modify and find your modifications under CLONES but there is no ability in SBAA to do the same. And rather than cloning I just want to remove columns

Thank you for submitting the product idea!
We are looking for more information on this:
1. Are you referring to the ability to modify the view of the browse and what information displays?
2. What information are you looking to adjust, and under which menu paths? (Check Requests, Cash Receipts, Journal Entries, Purchase Orders?)
3. How does this change affect your day to day duties?
This idea will remain open for further input from the Skyward Community.
Thank you!
Erik O.
Lisa Carle commented
I would like to be able to make my screens specific to my needs. For instance...when I look at my purchase orders in SBAA there are columns that are listed for
last printed
manually added payments
last printed
entered byNone of this information is important to me and I would like the to just remove those unnecesarry columns as one of my filters. I can currently go in and change the size and make them almost disappear as a clone but I can't remove them. I understand that different people who may be logged in to their Skyward would need them but i don't. I would just like the ability to make my screen more specific to me and save it as a clone under filter.
The way it currently affects me is that I can only make those adjustments in certain screens. I can not do it in my chart of accounts screen. So every time I go to that screen to do some checking I have to manually go move my columns so they fit to what i need but when I get out of the screen it doesn't save.
I hope this makes sense. If not please give me a call