True Time Edits
Currently True Time has widgets for Timesheets Waiting My Approval and Time Off Waiting My Approval. Could you add a widget for True Time Edits or Timesheets Edits Waiting My Approval. Employees can add an Edit Note, but Approvers have to go and find the requests rather than being notified. We would like an email notification to go to Approver when an Edit is requested and then also a widget so they can see Edit requests on their Home Page.

Thank you for submitting the product idea!
1. Just for clarification, whenever a user makes an edit to a timesheet note, you would want the approvers to get an email notification?
a. With this, would this only be if they edited after submission of the timesheet?
2. The 2nd portion you are looking for a similar widget to the time off approvals widget?
Thank you for your additional input, the idea will remain open for continued voting by the Skyward community.
Erik O.
Sarah Partain commented
1. Yes, any time a user requests and edit, by using the "Edit Notes" button, we would like the Approver/Supervisor to receive an email.
a. Not limited to after they submit, but rather, ANY TIME, they request an edit.
2. Yes, a widget that the Approvers/Supervisors can add to their Home Page that will show them any requested edits that need attention. "Edits Awaiting My Approval or Attention" -
Sarah Partain commented
Our Approvers have asked for this time and time again. Is it at all possible to add this to True Time? This would save our Approvers time from having to go and hunt for the Edits, and would boost productivity in that edits would be made on time so that staff could submit sooner.