Requisition/Purchase Order comparison
We need a report to compare the prior year's purchase order totals by group to the current year's requisition totals by by group. For example, you can see that 1st grade spent $1,200 this year and then you can see that they have requisitioned $1,300 for next year. This would greatly help to be able to compare the information for reasonableness from year to year. It would be ideal for the information to be available to the approvers in the requisition approval screen. Attached are excel versions of a report that I created

Thank you for submitting this idea and the example files.
Have you tried using the requisition/PO listing report? This report can sequence by group and run by Fiscal Year to review comparisons.
Thank you.
Amanda Yadro commented
Yes I have used this report and tried multiple different varieties. None of these meet my needs in an efficient manner.